A lot of people read out poems at wakes and funerals. It uses words as tools for the transmission of experience.
A creative way of explaining to your best friend what they actually mean to you is to write them a poem. One can give them in printed form, as books or as lettering in a frame, accompanied with photos of days gone by. This is perfectly suited for love.
Some of the most famous poems are about relationship troubles. What is your poem going to be about, it should focus on one theme or topic. Poetry that describes the love for a wife or a husband is abundant throughout history and for that reason, though it might differ in context and form, the words from many years ago can accurately describe the feelings a couple today.
Whether poetry is your favorite thing or not isn t the point, it's the mood created by reading wedding poetry that makes the concept so attractive. Either way, use beautiful stationary, if you are reading it first, you can then give the poem as a gift.